News and Events
Recent News
2023: Mount Zion: Unhoused Veterans Find A New Home In Lacey Township
2023: Vetwork Provides Many Different Services to the Ocean County Community
2023: SCS Celebrates Catholic Schools Week with Vetwork
Vetwork Newsletters
Please read our newsletter from our Executive Board. Previous newsletters will be posted here!
As many of you may know, Vetwork is a non-profit Veteran’s outreach organization serving Monmouth and Ocean Counties, which specializes in the provision of a wide range of services to veterans who have stepped up to serve their country since WWII. We pride ourselves on being the first and last call for veterans in need. Our goal is to reach out to veterans who are having a difficult time accessing veterans’ services and getting back on the road to living sustainable and meaningful lives. Many of these veterans are homeless, living in the woods and in their cars. They need help taking care of their families, finding meaningful employment, getting to doctors, and accessing healthcare. Many veteran organizations are burdened with large bureaucracies which are unable to provide immediate responses to veteran needs, which is Vetwork’s primary goal. Again, we are a small organization manned by veteran volunteers who have served in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and multiple other locations throughout the world.
We have been busy during the month of September and are happy to report our outreach services have impacted well over 40 veterans. The Bill Reeves Food Pantry continues to thrive, providing daily and weekly support to veterans and their families. We have started our Fall Food Drive and welcome your calls to coordinate any food contributions you wish to make. Additionally, our partners at A Need We Feed have begun to provide us with 60 hot and ready to eat meals each week. Our homeless prevention program has placed or has helped to place 6 veterans and their families in need of short-term shelter as they participate in outreach programs throughout the state. An exciting addition to our services includes a potential partnership with Lacey United Methodist Church to provide 5 rooms for homeless veterans on a daily or weekly basis as they transition into more permanent arrangements. Finally, we emphasize the emergent and immediate access to provide a myriad of services. Also, we have teamed up with the LBI Soroptimists to provide access for our female veterans to their clothes closet. New and recently consigned items for women entering the job market. Items are free and accessible in all sizes. The store is open Saturdays from 10 to 1 and on the first and third Wednesdays from 4 to 6. (https://www.sioflbi.org/)
Vetwork has done a great deal of outreach in the past few weeks, including appearances at The Columns in Monmouth County on August 14, Toms River Elks on August 20, the Backward Flag Car Wash on August 21, the Manahawkin Elks, where we received a generous donation along with our brothers at Tunnel to Towers, and the Ocean County Irish Festival on September 10. We look forward to the “All You Can Eat” Wing fest on September 25 at Caffrey’s. We hope to see you at one of our events soon. Check our website, Facebook, and Instagram page to connect with us and see what events we have planned this fall!
The phone works, but getting veterans to stop by for a cup of coffee and socialize with other veterans is what we consider the gold standard for access and service. As always, we emphasize the importance of a wide range of private donors and corporate support to help us keep the doors open.
As many of you already know, Vetwork is a non-profit Veterans outreach organization serving Monmouth and Ocean Counties. We specialize in providing a wide range of services to veterans who have stepped up to serve their country since WWII. We pride ourselves on being the first and last call for veterans in need. Our goal is to reach out to veterans who are having a difficult time accessing veterans’ services and getting back on the road to living sustainable and meaningful lives. Many of these veterans are homeless, living in the woods and in their cars. They need help taking care of their families, finding meaningful employment, getting to doctors, and accessing healthcare. Many veteran organizations are burdened with large bureaucracies which are unable to provide immediate responses to veteran needs, which is Vetwork’s primary goal. Again, we are a small organization staffed by veteran volunteers who have served in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and multiple other locations throughout the world.
MOST RECENT OUTREACH ACTIVITY: We have spent a good deal of time meeting with and presenting to organizations, as well as participating in community-building events, all designed to get the word to male and female veterans and their families about our services. We participated in a “Wingfest” event sponsored by Caffrey’s Tavern on September 25, where we met and discussed issues with well over 200 people in a great outdoor environment. We also spoke at the Lacey Moose on September 25. We hosted several volunteers from Ocean First Bank on October 6 as part of their Community First Day. Barlow’s Flower Farm donated flowers to enhance our beautification efforts, and we truly appreciate their help. On October 12, we spoke with the Soroptimists of Long Beach Island regarding our services, especially as they pertain to female veterans and their families, and finally met with the Brick Morning Rotary on October 19 for breakfast and a briefing regarding veterans’ services as well. We believe these outreach efforts get the word out. The more people we talk to, the more people avail themselves of our services for themselves and their family members.
CONTINUED ACTIVITIES: We are happy to report that in the last month, our outreach services have impacted well over 57 veterans. The Bill Reeves Food Pantry continues to thrive, providing daily and weekly support to veterans and their families. We have started our Fall Food Drive and welcome your calls to coordinate any food contributions you wish to make. Additionally, our partners at A Need We Feed have begun providing us with 60 hot and ready-to-eat meals weekly. We will also provide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals for families in the upcoming weeks. Our homeless prevention program has placed or has helped to place veterans and their families in need of short-term shelter as they participate in outreach programs throughout the state. An exciting addition to our services includes a potential partnership with Lacey United Methodist Church to provide 5 rooms for homeless veterans daily or weekly as they transition into more permanent arrangements. Finally, we emphasize the emergent and immediate access to provide a myriad of services. Also, we have teamed up with the LBI Soroptimists to provide access for our female veterans to their clothes closet. New and recently consigned items for women entering the job market. Items are free and accessible in all sizes. The store is open Saturdays from 10 to 1 and on the first and third Wednesdays from 4 to 6. (https://www.sioflbi.org/)
The phone works, but getting veterans to stop by for a cup of coffee and socialize with other veterans is what we consider the gold standard for access and service.
As always, we emphasize the importance of a wide range of private donors and corporate support to help us keep the doors open. We welcome any thoughts or ideas you may have!
We want to thank you for your continued support of Vetwork!
And trust me, these Veterans are worth it.
US ARMY, BG, (ret)
As many of you may know, Vetwork is a not-for-profit Veterans’ outreach organization located in Ocean County which specializes in the provision of a wide range of services to veterans who have stepped up to serve their country since WW11. We pride ourselves on being the first and last call for veterans in need, and our goal is to reach out to veterans who are having a difficult time accessing veterans’ services and getting back on the road to living sustainable and worthwhile lives.
Many of these veterans are homeless, living literally in the woods and in their cars. They need help taking care of their families, finding meaningful employment, getting to doctors, and accessing healthcare. Many veterans’ organizations are burdened with large bureaucracies which are unable to provide emergent responses to veterans’ needs. That’s what we do. Again, we are a small organization manned by veteran volunteers who have served in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and multiple other locations throughout the world.
For most of us, this holiday season is a busy time as we begin sharing our many blessings with our family and friends. We count ourselves lucky to have families to visit, good meals to prepare and eat, and gifts we can pass on to our loved ones, kids, and grandkids. For many of our clients, and for many reasons, these blessings are not available to them. That’s where we kick in. We are happy to report that we have been involved in multiple outreach programs as the season approaches and look forward to bringing some joy wherever we can.
The Bill Reeves Food Pantry is thriving. Given the added pressures of rising prices, basic sustenance is often of primary concern. We have been able to serve well over 55 clients this month, with daily meals, toiletries, and clothing. We are providing complete Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, and we work with other agencies to receive and distribute toys and other gifts. Your food donations have been extremely helpful, in this regard, and we welcome your continued support. Just call our number, 609-971-7613, and we can coordinate the pickup and distribution of these goods.
Unfortunately, as the temperature drops, work here is active and ongoing as well. One contact is typical. We received a call from a client who was adrift here in New Jersey after having literally walked from Texas. A retired airman, this client arrived in New Jersey to find a promised job that had disappeared. He had some money, but it was all tied up in a check that he was unable to cash, having closed his account in Texas before he left. We were able to get him a temporary place to stay out of the cold, sign him up with a new checking account, cash the check and deposit it in his new account, get him a debit card, and immediately ensure that his retirement checks would come to his new account going forward, connect him with VA services immediately, and set him on the road to some better planning options. That was all accomplished in just three days. By the way, the minute he got solvent, he began paying for the housing himself, another proud veteran who just needed a lift. That’s what we call a good day’s work, although he was only one of at least ten other contacts we worked on that day.
As I have said before, the work we do here is not cheap. We rely on both personal and corporate supporters to help us keep the doors open.
We invite you to take a look at our website www.vetwork.org and consider a donation, especially during the holiday season. Trust me, these men and women are worth it.
US ARMY, BG, (ret)
For those of you who haven’t seen our newsletter before, let me first summarize what Vetwork does and why we do it. Vetwork is a not-for-profit Veterans’ outreach organization located in Ocean County which specializes in the provision of a wide range of services to veterans who have stepped up to serve their country since WWII. We pride ourselves on being the first and last call for veterans in need. Our goal is to reach out to veterans who are having a difficult time accessing veterans’ services and getting back on the road to living sustainable and worthwhile lives. Many of these veterans are homeless, living literally in the woods and in their cars. They need help taking care of their families, finding meaningful employment, getting to doctors, and accessing healthcare. Many veterans’ organizations are burdened with large bureaucracies that cannot provide emergent responses to veterans’ needs. That’s what we do. Again, we are a small organization staffed by veterans and volunteers who have served in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and multiple other locations throughout the world.
Some recent statistics indicate the kind of work we do. In 2022, we were able to provide short-term housing for 27 homeless veterans. We provided 71 transports for veterans needing rides to doctors and clinics. We provided 68 Holiday meals (Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) for veterans with families. And we provided computer services and access to other institutions for multiple veterans. The Bill Reeves Food Pantry at Vetwork provides a wide range of food, toiletries, clothing, and other free items for veterans and their families, and this year was able to serve 717 people. This service has become essential now due to the cold weather and the current economic challenges. At the end of the day, we service the immediate needs of Veterans and help them access other resources.
We have had a good year, but, of course, there is much more work to do. For example, we expect to establish a five-room temporary housing facility within the next month—the only one in Ocean County—so that our Veterans can receive short-term shelter as we transition them into meaningful employment, healthcare, and otherwise sustainable lives. Our vehicles are used to drive Veterans to VA appointments and other medical appointments in Philadelphia, Newark, and other locations within New Jersey. They need maintenance, as well as insurance, to keep them on the road. And our outreach work goes a long way in letting Veterans know who we are, where we are, and what we can do for them. The work is not cheap, and we depend on a wide range of supporters to help us keep the doors open.
We invite you to take a look at our website vetwork.org and consider a donation. Trust me, these men and women are worth it.
Merry Christmas!
QUARTER 1 2023
For those of you who haven’t seen our newsletter before, let me first summarize what Vetwork does and why we do it. Vetwork is a not-for-profit Veterans’ outreach organization located in Ocean County that specializes in the provision of a wide range of services to veterans who have stepped up to serve their country since WWII. We pride ourselves on being the first and last call for veterans in need. Our goal is to reach out to veterans who are having a difficult time accessing veterans’ services and get them back on the road to living sustainable and worthwhile lives. Many of these veterans are homeless, living literally in the woods and in their cars. They need help caring for their families, finding meaningful employment, getting to doctors, and accessing healthcare. Many veterans’ organizations are burdened with large bureaucracies that cannot provide emergent responses to veterans’ needs. That’s what we do. Again, we are a small organization staffed by veterans and volunteers who have served in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and multiple other locations throughout the world.
Some recent statistics indicate the kind of work we do. This quarter, we have been able to provide short-term housing for 27 homeless veterans. We provided transport for 44 veterans needing rides to doctors and clinics. We provided computer services and access to other institutions for multiple veterans. The Bill Reeves Food Pantry at Vetwork offers a wide range of food, toiletries, clothing, and other free items for veterans and their families, and, this quarter, was utilized 98 times by veterans who are in need of food. This service has become essential now due to the cold weather and current economic challenges. All told, we have provided over 240 services this quarter alone.
We have started the year off strong, but, of course, there is much more work to do. For example, in January, we established Mount Zion, a five-room temporary housing facility—the only one in Ocean County—so that our Veterans can access short-term shelter as we transition them into meaningful employment, healthcare, and otherwise sustainable lives. Our two vehicles are used to drive Veterans to VA appointments and other medical appointments in Philadelphia, Newark, and other locations within New Jersey. They need maintenance, as well as insurance, to keep them on the road. And our outreach work goes a long way in letting Veterans know who we are, where we are, and what we can do for them. These results are not cheap, and we depend on a wide range of supporters to help us keep the doors open.
This month, we welcomed Barbara DeAngelo as our new Operations Manager. Barbara has extensive experience with NGOs, is a USMC veteran, and is happy to be involved with our work and our mission. Tom Kiselow has transitioned into the job of Executive Director of the organization. His expertise has been central to our success over the last year. Joe Starkey and Rick O’Meara have taken positions on the Board as Trustees for the organization going forward. Finally, Ocean County has provided Vetwork with a grant to handle the County’s emergent care veterans’ services. We are grateful for the County’s trust and look forward to providing increased services as we operate in 2023.
We invite you to take a look at our website, vetwork.org, and consider a donation. Trust me, these men and women are worth it.
Richard M. O’Meara,
Board Secretary, Vetwork
US Army, Brigadier General (ret.)
QUARTER 2 2023
For those of you who haven’t seen our newsletter before, let me summarize what Vetwork does and why we do it. Vetwork is a not-for-profit Veteran’s outreach organization located in Ocean County that specializes in the provision of a wide range of services to veterans who have stepped up to serve their country since WWII. We pride ourselves on being the first and last call for veterans in need, and our goal is to reach out to veterans who are having a difficult time accessing veterans’ services and getting back on the road to living sustainable and worthwhile lives. Many of these veterans are homeless, living literally in the woods and in their cars. They need help caring for their families, finding meaningful employment, getting to doctors, and accessing healthcare. Many veterans’ organizations are burdened with large bureaucracies that cannot provide emergent responses to Veteran’s needs. That’s what Vetwork does. Again, we are a small organization staffed by veteran volunteers who have served in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and multiple other locations throughout the world.
Some recent statistics indicate the kind of work we do. For example, since the beginning of 2023, we have been able to provide 56 short-term housings for homeless veterans, we transported 102 veterans needing rides to doctors and clinics, we provided 22 Holiday meals and food from the Bill Reeves Food Pantry for veterans with families, and we provided computer services and other access to institutions, to multiple veterans. Our food pantry permits Vetwork to offer a wide range of food and toiletries, clothing, and other free items for veterans and their families, and we were able to serve in one form or another over 158 veterans. All in all, Vetwork has provided 442 services for veterans this year.
As you may know, Vetwork has been specifically tasked by Ocean County to provide emergent services for veterans within the County, day or night, 24/7. We operate in conjunction with Lacey United Methodist Church, a five-bedroom facility for homeless veterans, the only one in the County.
The work is not cheap, and we depend on a wide range of personal and corporate supporters to help us keep the doors open. We have had a good year, but, of course, there is much more work to do. Our vehicles are used to drive vets to VA appointments as well as other medical appointments in Philadelphia, Newark other locations within New Jersey. They need maintenance as well as insurance to keep them on the road. And our outreach work goes a long way to letting vets know where we are and what we can do for them.
We invite you to take a look at our website, www.vetwork.org, and consider a donation. Trust me, these men and women are worth it.
BG, USA (ret)
QUARTER 3 2023
For our newcomers, here's a brief about who we are and what we stand for:
Vetwork is a dedicated not-for-profit organization in Ocean County committed to serving our brave veterans from WWII to the present day. We're often the first and last call for veterans in distress, aiming to bridge the gap for those struggling to access essential services. From those living in the woods to those striving to care for their families, we're here to help. Our strength lies in our agility, bypassing the bureaucratic delays that often hinder larger organizations.
Our Impact in 2023: A Snapshot
Since the beginning of 2023, through our various programs, we have provided:
- Housing & Homeless Prevention Program: Provided short-term housing for 20 Homeless Veterans and assisted 71 Homeless Veterans in finding more stable housing situations.
- Veteran Transportation Program: Facilitated 154 Rides for Veterans to get wherever they need to be.
- Bill Reeves Food Pantry: Beyond just food, we've offered toiletries, clothing, and more, supporting countless veterans and their families. This year alone, we've provided 287 Veterans with some form of support through the Bill Reeves Food Pantry.
In collaboration with Lacey United Methodist Church, we also support a unique four-bedroom facility exclusively for homeless veterans in the county. The Mount Zion Veteran Transitional Housing Facility is the only one of its kind in Ocean County.
All told, Vetwork has been able to provide:
688 Services for the Veterans of Ocean County in 2023.
Upcoming Events & Initiatives
- Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veterans Support Group: Join us on the first Wednesday of every month from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at the Vetwork Building.
- Wingfest for the Vets: Mark your calendars for October 14 at Caffrey’s! Enjoy live music, a Wing-Off Competition, an hourly 50/50 drawing, great wings, and a celebration of our veteran community. Proudly Sponsored By South Jersey Heating and Cooling and Levinson Axelrod
- Holiday Season: We're gearing up to ensure a festive and joyous season for all, especially beneficiaries of the Bill Reeves Food Pantry, by providing holiday meals to veterans and their families.
A Call to Action
Our mission, while rewarding, comes with its set of challenges. From maintaining vehicles for our transportation program to expanding our outreach, every aspect requires resources. We invite you to visit our website, www.vetwork.org/donate, and consider making a donation. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference in the lives of our heroes.
A Note from Richard M. O'Meara, BG, USA (ret)
Secretary, Board of Directors
"Your support is not just a donation; it's an investment in the lives of those who've given so much for our freedom. Trust in the value of your contribution, for these men and women truly deserve it."
QUARTER 4 2023
For those who don’t know Vetwork, we serve veterans. In almost any way we can, we provide supportive services to veterans in the Ocean County area.
We're often the first and last call for veterans in distress, aiming to bridge the gap for those struggling to access essential services. From those living in their cars to those simply trying to provide for their families, we're here to help.
Vetwork’s Impact in 2023
In 2023, we’ve provided over 1,000 services for Ocean County veterans, almost 20% more than last year.
· We’ve helped to house 122 veterans through our Housing and Homeless Prevention Program and Mount Zion Housing Facility.
· Our Bill Reeves Food Pantry has been utilized over 432 times, providing countless meals to veterans and their families.
· We’ve provided over 211 transports for veterans needing to get to doctors’ appointments.
In addition to these services, we provide VA assistance, acquisition of military records, senior veteran services, money management services, a peer-to-peer support group, and assistance with service-related disability claims.
These past 3 months, our impact has significantly increased. For example, we’ve provided 45 Thanksgiving and Holiday meals for veterans and their families.
How You Can Help
All of these services are provided to veterans completely free. This is due to the generosity of you, and our donors.
Your donation is used solely to better the services we can provide. Your donations do not go to the payroll of our staff.
If you would like to help veterans, please consider a donation to Vetwork by visiting vetwork.org/donate or through our Venmo account.
Your support is not just a donation; it's an investment in the lives of those who've given so much for our freedom. Trust in the value of your contribution, for these men and women truly deserve it.
Thank you for your time, and please consider helping Vetwork continue its mission. Dear supporter, without you, Vetwork would not be here today!
It’s quite an exciting time to be a part of Vetwork…
2024 marks our 40th Anniversary as an organization. We recently began sponsoring two new interns from Ocean County College and recently moved into a new building at 102 Station Drive, still in Forked River and only 0.3 miles away from our old location. Although we are in a new building, we are continually committed to providing essential services to our veterans just as we have before. The only thing changing about Vetwork is the address!
Our mission stays the same — providing supportive services to veterans in the Ocean County Area. We’re often the first and last call for veterans in distress, aiming to bridge the gap for those struggling to access essential services. From those living in their cars to those simply trying to provide for their families, we are there to help.
We recently released our 2023 Impact Report, which displays our tangible impact in the community. I invite you to take a look at it.
In the first two months of 2024, we have provided over 120 services to veterans and their families. Whether it be food assistance, transportation, housing, VA assistance, or whatever they may need, we can provide it, and we have provided it.
We have also continued our Peer-to-Peer Support Group, which runs on the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage all veterans to attend the meetings.
With all of this good news, you may be wondering — How Do I Fit In? Well, all of this good news is because of you — your donations and your kind words are what drive Vetwork.
If you would like to continue to hear this great news and help veterans, please consider a donation to Vetwork by visiting vetwork.org/donate.
Your support is not just a donation; it’s an investment in the lives of those who have given so much for our freedom. Trust me, these men and women are worth it.
Thank you for your time, and please consider helping Vetwork because, without you, Vetwork would not be here today!
Hello All!
As we move through the second quarter of 2024, I'm thrilled to share some remarkable updates and successes from our organization. We recently hosted our Grand Re-Opening at our new location, coinciding with the celebration of our 40th Anniversary. It was a heartwarming event, with many of our dedicated supporters in attendance. This milestone is a testament to our unwavering commitment to serving veterans in the Ocean County area. We also had the honor of again being the starting point for the CVMA 38-3 4th Annual Shaun "A-Bomb" Abrom Memorial Ride on June 8th, an event that continues to showcase our dedicated community.Our community efforts continue to make a significant impact. We recently established a Food Donation Location at VFW Post 9503 in Bayville, providing a new avenue for supporting the Bill Reeves Food Pantry. Additionally, we partnered in hosting an Art Auction in honor of Marine Veteran John DiCesare, with proceeds benefiting our transitional housing efforts at Mount Zion. The CVMA 38-3's semi-annual food and clothing drive resulted in an impressive donation of 93 boxes of food, clothing, and toiletries. And let's not forget the successful fundraising efforts of our five runners in the Spring Lake 5 Mile Run, raising over $2,600 for Vetwork. In the past few months alone, we have provided essential services to veterans all over Ocean County, providing over 345 services to veterans and their families.
Additionally, we recently reached a terrific milestone in our transportation program. In the past 6 months, we have traveled over 7,500 miles while transporting veterans to their medical appointments.
These collective efforts are vital in continuing our mission to support those who have given so much for our freedom.
Likewise, these efforts would not be possible without the incredible dedication of our:
- Executive Director, Tom Kiselow, USMC,
- Director of Operations, Barbara DeAngelo, USMC,
- Transportation Coordinator, Andrea Barajas,
- and our terrific team of drivers!Thank you again for your continued support and dedication to Vetwork. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of our veterans and their families. If you would like to continue to witness our good works in the local veteran community, please consider a Donation!
As always, please feel free to stop by the office and have a cup of coffee; we always enjoy meeting our community in person.
Upcoming Events

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Dallas Marathon for Vetwork
Help support our fearless runner, Matt Liddy, as he runs in the Dallas Marathon to support Vetwork.
Donations to support Vetwork can be made HERE.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Wingfest 2024
It’s Back and Better Than Ever! Wingfest 2024 is officially happening on Oct. 12th. Learn more at vetwork.org/wingfest.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Cops & Cones Fundraiser
Help Support Vetwork and visit Belle’s Ice Cream in Spring Lake on September 14th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. Ice cream will be scooped by Spring Lake Police Officers, and 100% of Proceeds will benefit Vetwork!

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Jersey Shore Blueclaws Salute to Heroes Night
Vetwork will be doing some outreach at the game on August 17th. We also have 100 free tickets. Call 609-971-7613 if you would like to go to the game!

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Jersey Shore Blueclaws Military and Veterans Night
Vetwork will be doing outreach during the Blueclaws Military and Veteran Night. Come stop by. If you are interested in attending the game, contact the office for more details. Call 609-971-7613.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Grand Re-Opening
Join us for the Vetwork Grand Re-Opening. This event also marks the celebration of our 40th Anniversary of dedicated service to the Veteran community.
Though we have relocated, our unwavering commitment to "Serve Those Who Have Served Us" remains unchanged.
Our Bill Reeves Veteran Food Pantry has expanded, and our Transportation Program now boasts three vehicles.
Please drop by between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to see our NEW location. Our staff will be available to address any questions you may have. A ribbon-cutting ceremony is scheduled for 11 a.m.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the first Wednesday of every month. All veterans are welcome.

Eat a Taco Help A Veteran at Tacoholics
Mention Vetwork, or show this flyer - Vetwork receives 20% of your bill and you receive a delicious meal.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Today we remember the terrible attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Saved Rounds: Peer to Peer Veteran Support Group
Join Us for Vetwork’s Saved Rounds: Peer-to-Peer Veteran Support Group. Meetings will occur on the 1st Wednesday of Every Month.
Remaining 2023 Dates: August 2nd, Sept 6th, Oct 4th, Nov 1st, Dec 6th.

Giving Tuesday
Support Vetwork today for Giving Tuesday! Any support will help us to continue our mission.

Cheat Day for a Cause at Brownstone Pancake Factory
Present this flyer or mention Vetwork at the Freehold Brownstone Pancake Factory.

Wine & Shine Car Show for Veterans
Join Jersey Shore Car Shows for the Wine and Shine Car Show for Veterans. All Proceeds will Benefit Vetwork!